Saturday, November 14, 2009


It's been a little while, once again!

Since this started as a knitting blog, here is the sweater I just finished. It was a blast to knit and easy as pie, too. I ran out of the main color yarn, Encore, and thanks to the friendly ladies at Wooly Lamb put together a complimentary plum i-cord edging. The buttons make a nice statement, putting a little fun into the whole thing. The pattern, Garter Play Cardigan, is from Top Down Sweaters, by Doreen L. Marquart. A pattern book that I'll no doubt use again.

Monday, November 2, 2009

An update

My cousin Brenda's wedding last week was awesome! Pictures are up on my Facebook.

Since we were in Boston and WEBS, America's Yarn Store is only an hour or so out of the way, we stopped in. Love Dave for not complaining and for leaving me there for an hour while he went for lunch. I had one pattern with me and found the yarn, but while walking through the warehouse, found some to die for yarn and a pattern and have a new vest on the needles as we speak.

My top down jacket, except for the i-cord binding all around, is finished and I'm out of yarn. Hopefully the Wooly Lamb (their link is wonky, visit the store, not the website) will have something that will blend nicely.

That's all for now, I'm glad to know that I can access this page from school, it will give me something to look forward to doing during lunch!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A quick post

No, I haven't fallen off the end of the earth, just been busy and lazy at the same time.

My cousin and his family visited from California last week, what a treat to meet our newest baby! Grant is 7 months of adorable baby! Pictures to follow.

Next week we are off to Boston for another cousin's wedding. My mom was the oldest and there is a 16 year difference in her siblings ages so I have cousins who are younger than my kids. I have an aunt that is the same age as my husband. Makes for fun introductions.

School is fine, we are in the midst of testing testing testing and more testing. Last week were the state tests, today was PSAT's and tomorrow and Friday are benchmark testing for core subjects. Not bad except the library has been used as a testing site and we are informed of the schedules the day before, makes for some upset teachers and frustrated librarians. :) I've spent most of the time proctoring out of the library and got to meet lots of new kids.

Been sewing and knitting ~ finished some cute purses and have a dress in progress in the sewing department, a sweater down to its last sleeve and socks that are about done in the knitting lanes. Getting antsy to finish so I can start something else! The predicted storms for the weekend assure a good bit will be accomplished.

Until later...

Monday, September 28, 2009


AKC - Lot's of Dollars
8/1997 ~ 9/2009
Miss you

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

OOPS, a stumble

All good things... today we were assigned lunch duty which essentially shuts down the library for the kids who were coming in to us instead of going to the cafeteria. I'm torn in two by this, I love seeing the kids in a non-threatening way and joking around but at the same time, we now are limited to only three blocks of time per day to have kids in the library.

Greg, my partner and I have not taken a full lunch or a prep period in the two years I've been there, and now with the duty we cannot fit in our contractual lunch or prep times and keep the library open since we are gone part of the day. Argh. Repeat slowly.. 'we're all about the children' (a previous administrative saying)

Today there was a fight in the library during one of the scheduled classes, while the teacher tried to break it up, I went out in the hall to get security and one of the vice principals was half way down the hall, I called out to him and tried to let him know quietly that there was a fight going on...he hollers back 'did you say a fight? in the library?' a few times. I was looking for the candid camera since the word fight is like a magnet to get the kids running to the event Gotta love it :)
A few books tossed and tables upset but no major damage that I could see. Hopefully the kids involved are not too banged up, another day in paradise!

Monday, September 21, 2009

New addition

Just for fun ~

Jigsaw puzzle of the day can now be found on the bottom of this page.

Enjoy, it changes daily.

Back in the saddle again

School is settling into a nice routine. Our principal is still on fire and I hope she can keep it up!

Every morning I go to the entrance nearest to the library to greet the kids. the procedure is to put your bag on a table and walk through a metal detector. The detector goes off for almost every kid so the girls have a female officer to pat them down and the boys have a male officer. Its a sight to see them come through so matter of factly with their arms and legs outspread to be patted down on a daily basis. While its second nature for the kids, its still something to see.

On a library note, next week is Banned Book Week, we are making posters to put up in conjunction with Back to School Night. Hoping to have some good dialog with parents/kids. We happen to have nine of the top ten on this year's list, we are only missing the children's book and that's because we're high school.

Lastly, this weekend is Knitter's Day Out. Can't wait, I'm leaving right after school on Friday with my friend and school nurse. We'll sleep in Harrisburg and be in class bright and early Saturday. This is her first time, I've been going for 24 years, every year I learn something new, buy too much yarn and come home recharged for another year. Part of admission is making caps for kids - I've made two, I should be able to get a few more done before Saturday. I'll try to get pictures to show how many caps are donated for children. It's awesome!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

In the swing again

Today the whole staff reported for work, we had meetings until noon then were in the library trying to get organized for who knows what who knows when. Tomorrow will be the same with the kids coming on Thursday.

As of now the kids are not going to be allowed in the building before 8 am. They also are not allowed to leave lunch to come to the library on their own until we have a card reader ~ and they all have id badges ~ so they can scan themselves into the library. We were promised to have new security in place by mid-October. Hoping to find a way to get our 'regulars' in before then!

We also have our final 2009-2010 budget spent - love the way you have to use your budget before the beginning of school. As of now we are not getting full use of our computer system since the district hasn't yet paid the bill but we have heard that most of our requisitions were fulfilled.

Anyway we were allotted a little less than 20 per kid, since the superintendent promised we'd get 25 per two years ago we figure we're in the right ballpark, just on the walkway, not in the bleachers yet. In the past five years my particular library has gone from 3 full time employees (2 librarians and an aide) and over 125K budget to 2 librarians and less than 40K to spend - which is twice what we had last year so we're headed in the right direction, baby steps but going the right way finally. Five years ago the budget was so big in order to bring computers to the library, this year we won't make it through the first marking period with those and are hoping against hope that they'll be replaced soon. Fingers, toes and eyes crossed.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sometimes my heart ...

Yesterday my sister and I had a yard sale of my mom's things, the purpose being to give the nine grand~kids the money we earned. All nine live within two or three miles of her house.

Procrastinators that we are, it has taken us more than a year to get our act together to finally get most of her things out of her house ~ I think that it makes it so much more final when we do make a move. Anyway, getting organized took us a few weekends/nights. Terry, my sister, Kerry, her daughter, and I were the ones who got it together,

By 7:30 yesterday morning Alan was mowing the grass at my mom's so we could drive up to the kitchen door without making a mess of the yard, Eric stopped by just to sell, hang out, and give encouragement early in the day.

All told, 7 of the 9 grand~kids came out and helped, only two didn't make it. Kerry, put in the most time and effort so we gave her a little more and split the remainder equally between the other six. When I tried to give my boys their share, they both refused and wanted Kerry to have it all. They said it was because they work and Kerry, who also works, is putting herself through college.

There are times my boys make my heart hurt in a good way. To start, this week Alan worked two jobs, like he's been doing since he got engaged. Besides his tree work, every evening he's been helping out a farmer and this week they are baling hay, Friday alone, after work he baled until after 10 pm. Eric's week with UPS was a bear, too, he had more than 20 hours of overtime. That being said, both would have like more than anything to sleep in on Saturday morning. Some days I just wonder how we could be so blessed ....

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Julie & Julia

Went to see Julie & Julia last night, I hadn't heard of it before, since I really don't follow the new movies, I count on my friend's blog to let me know what to see. But what a good movie! The switch between decades and lives was seamless and the storyline was pleasant. I recommend this one to those who want a nice, not in your face kind of film. In my estimation, which counts for nothing, I think Meryl Streep deserves an Oscar nomination/award for this role.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Get your galoshes

I hear that we are in for a nice rainy Saturday. Not something new. My plans to take Maryann from Featherbed Nursing Home to get her hair cut may be put on hold, its hard enough for her to navigate in good weather. Oh Well.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

It's Official

Another school year has started, last week there was a workshop, this week an in service and two days of workshops, tomorrow back to the library. Monday we're in for the long haul.

Believe it or not, I can't wait!
The 'girls' don't look too excited...

what the heck is wrong with this picture, a perfectly good big girl doggie bed sitting empty while they pile into the smallest one, go figure.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Dog days of August

Lexie doesn't have a care in the world

Friday, August 21, 2009

And the winner is...

Alan and a hive had a run in, as you can see, the bees won! Thank goodness he is fine, went to the doctors and is now back at work. Poor baby!

Monday, August 3, 2009


Today was going to be a nice quiet day, yesterday I started to sew a fleece jacket for myself and was planning to finish today. WomenSpace was very busy, three calls during the day. A new record! Hopefully things will quiet down for the ladies and gents, too.

Just wanted to give a big shout out to Staples, yesterday I took my ink cartridges in and they handed me a set ~ off I went, this morning when I tried to put them in the printer there was no way I could get them in, long story short, I had the wrong cartridges - opened. After leaving the police station tonight I went over to Staples in Langhorne ~ they didn't care that the package was open, they didn't even care that I had tried to put them into the printer, the clerk went and got the right cartridges and the cashier and manager were very apologetic. What a nice bit of service! To add to the transaction, the right cartridges were $13 less than the wrong ones! Thanks Staples!

Tomorrow my knitting club comes for dinner ~ I'm thinking of a zucchini quiche and salad. So, first thing in the morning, its off to the grocery store.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Summer is half over :(

Can't believe the summer is half over already. I go back to work in only 25 days. Not that I'm counting.

Tomorrow is Brenda's (my cousin) shower. Should be fun to see the family. We are officially in wedding mode now. Brenda is getting married in October in Boston, another cousin, Christy, is getting married in May also in Boston, Eric is getting married, here, in July and Alan is getting married the following June. So for the next almost 2 years, weddings on the horizon. How fun.

Speaking of weddings, Eric and Maia saw a photographer Thursday night. She seems to be very thorough and although it was eye opening to see how much it costs for the pics, oh well, its only once in a lifetime. So with 11 months to go, we have the minister, caterer, the tent and the photographer. Still to go ~ disc jockey, bathrooms, clothes, favors, flowers, decorations and the shower. Marlene and I were going over the budget, right now we have none, but need to rein in our spending or we'll be in hot water too soon. Although its their only wedding...

Alan and Melissa are invited to lunch with her grandparents in honor of their engagement. Hope they have fun.

Met the new principal this week, things look real good for the fall considering how tight the budgets will be and how far behind our kids are in relation to the rest of the state. It's funny that our kids have so many different experiences in life compared to those of their contemporaries but it doesn't seem to count when they take standardized tests. If there was only a way to measure their knowledge a different way. Sigh. Back to the principal, she is very enthusiastic and open to change. It promises to be a positive year. Maybe we can begin to turn the corner and make so real improvements. Also, she said the plan to build a new high school has been approved and we should see something happening soon.

Just heard that my cousin Bryan and his new baby Grant will be on the East Coast later this month, can't wait to meet Grant, he was born in Feb and lives in San Fransisco so we've only seen pictures. They are taking a trip to Dubai among other places and will be stopping in NYC on the way.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Back in good old NJ

Had a GREAT time in California with my west coast family. My Uncle Stas and Aunt Holly and their daughter and her family are out there. I went with my Uncle Joe. We fished in the Pacific, went to the casinos, house parties, Disneyland, Knott's Berry Farm, the Hollywood sign, and the Nixon Library among lots of sight seeing both on land and water.

Uncle Joe, Uncle Stas, Holly and me.

Darcy, my cousin, and Rubin, her husband have the cutest little girl, Marley, she is a pleasure to be around and so even tempered. Rubin also has a daughter, Jordin, who is a great kid, getting ready for high school. Marley was still a happy kid after midnight as you can see in this picture of our "Polish Night' where we made home made perogies, platskies and even had Polish beer!.

Here we are at the local music night at the park, they had a free drawing and Uncle Joe won!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mother in Law!

Great news! I'm going to be a mother in law, twice now!!! Last night Alan asked Melissa the big question. He did the one knee thing and she said yes, my baby aslo went to her parents over the weekend and asked permission, they obviously said yes, too.
Now both my boys are engaged to wonderful young ladies.
I'm so happy!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Rain Rain Go AWAY for Today

Today we are celebrating my niece, Kerry's upcoming high school graduation. Right now we are having our second downpour of the afternoon. I hope this is the last for today.

We are having a new patio put in the backyard, it is a mud hole. Today the guys came to lay out the circle of bricks and frame the steps, of course the rains came so they left. At this rate we will have use of the back door in September. the dogs have learned to cross their paws and wait to be let out.

On the vacation front, my Uncle Joe is going to visit my Uncle Stas in California in July, I'm tagging along, Can't wait! The last time I was out there was in 2004 when my cousin got married and that was only for three days, this time its a nice 10 day trip. We are going to spend part of the time on the Pacific, U. Stas has a boat that sleeps four so it should be fun.

Sixteen days until school is done, not that I'm counting. Sadly, the whole Medical Arts library is now in boxes all over the place at Main Campus. We are doing an inventory, after one week of scanning books, we have hit the 35% mark. Hopefully we'll be done by the end of the month. The Main/Medical Arts collection has more than 30,000 books plus videos, all the computers are tagged, vcrs, and teaching kits to name just some of the stuff that has to be scanned. Thank goodness for laptops and handheld scanners.

We have found some interesting stuff while doing the inventory (last time it was done was more than five years ago ~ that's when my partner started to work there) our books range in ages from the 1920's to the present. Friday I opened a geography book and the last time it was checked out was 1943! How cool and how diverting is it to find treasures like that? We have decided to save one set of general geography books from the 1910's but due to lack of space and a way to keep the stuff we have to get rid of the outdated materials. We are keeping the old yearbooks, school newspapers, trophies and of course pictures. We have some of the writings of Ernie Kovacs an alumni of the High. Hopefully someone will think they were worth keeping when the next inventory comes around.

I ordered acid free folders and envelopes to put the pictures we have from the late 1800's to now in better order - presently they are piled in a box that was wet (It was kept on the sink go figure) ~ unfortunately due to the budget situation, the last two times I ordered the folders they have been denied without explanation. My principal has no idea how purchasing makes its decisions on what gets ordered and what doesn't. Oh well, mine is not to question why....

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Car Project

No, this one isn't about Dave working on an interior, although he sent off a great looking 55 Chevy this week. Pictures later.
We went to Woodbridge Friday evening to see the Car Project, a group of musicians who created a whole band out of an old Honda! They have everything from percussion instruments made from wheels, hoods, glass, engine parts, a 'sax' from I think a muffler, a bass from a gas tank and a banjo/guitar from wheel. There is even a trombone!

Lots of fun, they write their own music so its a total new experience for your eyes and ears!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Random Mother's Day Thoughts

This is the first year without my mom, funny that I think of her almost every day and most of the time still think she'll be back.

Three times this week, unexpectedly she was brought into play, the first time I was getting my hair cut ~ and the stylist mentioned that she hadn't been in for a while. She didn't know that she had died, just that she hadn't been in for a cut.

My uncle sent pictures of the iris' at his house that are transplants from my mom's. I didn't even think of going over to her house to see if they had bloomed yet when his unexpected email showed up.

Then yesterday I was getting my first spring pedicure when one of the ladies asked me where my little mother was. My mom had never had a pedicure, or manicure, but I would take her with me and try to get her to have something done. They remembered her.

Go figure the timimg.
Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms!

Drain, drain go away

My left hip keeps filling up with a major league bruise, so every other week I have it drained. Today the doctor said after taking four large plungers of blood that there was a drip and he wrapped and taped it. He said sometimes fluid builds up, but not too often does this amount of blood, I think they just want the four units back that I was given in the hospital.

Anyway, the fact that I was bleeding didn't sink in to my thick skull, on the way home I 'dripped' through the gauze, tape, undies, binder, slacks and on my car seat. Thank God for Afta, Dave immediately cleaned the seat ~ here's hoping it didn't stain. Also I was wearing my Pinehurst jacket that Dave bought when he was there to play golf and got it along the hem, too. Right now its in the washer, lots of spray and wash and cold water. Hope there aren't any stains.

Enough of that, here's a pic of Dave, Rosie and me.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Remember the croc?

Dave finished and the customer loved the crocodile motorcycle seat, he's been riding on it for a few weeks now.

It went from this:
to this

BTW, Dave says he prefers pictures of the check, not the work!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Found both the cord and the camera

Here are our guests, there were so many little goldfinches outside that we couldn't count them all.

And here is the woodpecker.

As soon as I find the cord

In the middle of putting the family room and bedroom back together after having them painted. As soon as I remember where I put the cord to the camera I'll show you the pictures of the visitors we had the past few days. We've been blessed with an extended family of goldfinches hanging out at the feeder. Saturday morning Melissa and I counted 30+ they looked like canaries with all the bright yellow. We also have a red headed woodpecker and blue jays. It looks like an aviary out there.

Friday, April 17, 2009

OK Maybe I'm Not Invincible

Yesterday I went shopping, to the casino and then to dinner and shopping again. Not a good way to get back into things, I thought I was going to pop last night, I swelled up all around the middle, luckily I still have the binder they put on in the hospital so after having it on all night I'm much better today.

Went to breakfast and came right back home, now I know better!! Hopefully I will be fine by Monday.

Need to go to the grocery store later, when Dave has time to load and unload the cart. I've been looking at Shop Rite On line, for only 20 extra they will do your shopping and deliver your groceries to your kitchen! I'm really thinking this would be a good test of the program. I have never been able to create and stick to a list when shopping so this would be a little bit of a challenge, too. Hmmm

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Every day is a little better

Each day I'm moving more and more, surgery wasn't so bad, just makes you very stiff. The first of the bills have arrived, the cardiologist who came when I was out the first time sent his bill for showing up in the middle of the night. Dr. Greenbaum said that he didn't think there would be many charges other than the daily fee from the hospital, keeping my fingers crossed that he will be right. Enough surgery talk already!

I think that by Monday I'll be ready to go back to work. School is closed this week so it worked out fine. What a way to spend a vacation ~ on a recliner in the house.

While I still have a few cents to my name, I think its time for some spring shopping, two of my favorite stores are in Flemington, Coldwater Creek and Bon Worth, which both should be having sales! It would be fun to see what size I'm wearing now.

Looks like its going to be a nice day today so I'll get going and maybe venture outside to enjoy the sun.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I'm Back

First of all, the surgery was considered a success, the recovery not so smooth. I remember sitting on the edge of the bed and the next thing I was laying down and there were doctors, nurses, techs all around. I apparently had such low blood pressure that it could not be measured in my arms so they had to take it in my leg. It was 50/30. Not being satisfied with passing out once, I did it again the next morning. The doctors retaliated by making me stay a few extra days and giving me four units of blood. That's the last time I'll ever make my pressure that low :)

All joking aside, now I'm feeling pretty good and the hospital was fantastic. that's all I'll say right now, wait until the bill shows up and I find out what this episode is going to cost. shiver.

Here are a few shots of some flowers I received. Thanks so much!

BTW - If anyone knows how to find pictures that were downloaded and then lost on the computer I need help. I downloaded 200+ pics this morning and then seem to have lost them, most are nature shots but there are pics of sweaters that I sent off to others and things that cannot be replaced. argh

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Counting down to tomorrow

Again, time has gotten away from me, its been a few weeks.

Tomorrow at 6:20 I will be checking into the hospital to have my tucks done. Right now I'm not even a little bit nervous, but no doubt in the morning (middle of the night) when I start getting ready I will be.

How times have changed over the years with hospitals, 20+ years ago I had major surgery, a hysterectomy and the directions were: show up. Between then and now, I've had three other surgeries along with so many knock out procedures its hard to count and nothing like this prep. I've been given hospital packs that the surgeons use to scrub with and have been using those in the shower since Monday. They are very conscious of infections these days. At least I'm first up in the am so the OR will be in it's very best condition of the day.

Enough of that.

Trenton has said it will be sending lay-off notices to all employees who are not tenured. What a shame for those who chose to work with our population ~ I'm sure they had suburban choices ~ I hope that there is a change in funding so they can hold their positions. Thank God, I'm tenured in both the classroom and the library (there are 7 of 22 librarians who aren't), now its just keeping my fingers crossed that I stay in the high school. Its now a waiting game until the promise of employment notices are sent out in May.

Promise to post soon.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Not looking forward to tomorrow

Last Saturday was a fun day spent in NYC, tomorrow will be a sad day spent at St. John's Church. A colleague's son was unexpectedly killed in an automobile accident and will be buried tomorrow. While dying is inevitable, something about being a young guy in the spring seems so unfair. Sigh

On a little bit of a brighter note, spoke with my principal this week and he has assured me that my job is OK for next year. Keep your fingers crossed, and your legs, toes, eyes....
FYI ~ Dave had a customer who wanted his motorcycle seat done in crocodile, he ordered a hide, just thought it was kind of neat, when they tan it they left the legs attached. Guess I should wash the tablecloth before we use it again :)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

this and that....

For the last few days, almost a week, we've been visited by Jack, the horse from next-door, since my sister-in-law left and his buddy horse died over the winter, Jack has been lonely. Today he went to live with another horse. He's been around for nearly 20 years so he'll be missed. Today when he was over he ate two apples from my hand and let me walk him back home. Hope he enjoys his new home and new horsey friends.

My good friend has been on Weight Watchers for a while and she has had great success especially since she's been blogging her progress. I'm not joining, but need to chart my exercising ~ Marlene and Carol and I were very dedicated to exercise at least 4 days a week before Carol had a grandson and my mom died, since then we've been hit and miss. This week I made it two days on the treadmill, each time at least a mile at 3.5 mph, not earth shattering but at least its a start. When I can do the elliptical for a half hour I know I'm back in practice! I have to ask my brother if he wants to sell/lend his elliptical, its much nicer than the one we have.

Surgery is just about a month away so I want to get into shape before (yea right) if I was in shape I wouldn't be having it done.

I'm also going to count yesterday, I was in NYC on a walking tour and walk we did! All around the lower east side - it was very interesting, it was sponsored by my Teaching American History course - we always have the greatest trips and excellent speakers. Yesterday was no exception, the girl who took us around Chinatown was very knowledgeable and had us in all kinds of little alleys and side streets. Then we had a tour of Little Italy, the African Grave Site, City Hall, Tammany Hall, the Jewish District and the first department store. An interesting day. Next month we are going to Harlem, it should be fun.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Snow Snow

Yeah Snow, a day off today!! Not a real fan of cold but I do like being home.

Yesterday both Dave and I went to Tractor Supply and bought bird seed. At least we have enough if we get stuck for a month or two

Dolly made it out the back door, seems like she's trying to figure out if she likes it or not. NOT, she came right back in and promptly went to sleep.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Last night we had visitors, you can see the foot/paw prints in the snow. Too bad they didn't ring the bell!

Dave got right out there this morning to clear them a path...

... Or did he just want to be sure I got out to work? :)

Monday, February 2, 2009

On the mend ...

Great news, both Dave and Tony are well on their way to recovery. Dave had his stitches out today and is fine. He also had an eye problem which seems to be much better, too. Phew.
Tony came home from the hospital yesterday and was excited to have a group of us over to watch the Super Bowl with him. He was so happy just to be walking around. Tonight he called to see how Dave made out at the doctor, imagine, just four days ago he was 'dead' and he's home making calls about other people's health. What a guy! I'm so glad that Eric found Maia and we have a new family!
The other day I showed you my library at Medical Arts, today I'm showing Main Campus, here is what you see when you come in the door, and head down the steps into the library. Below are two shots of my office (how cool is that? I have an office, lad-de-da), well its really the magazine/storage room, but hey, I've got a desk, a computer that doesn't work, a phone that does and a great window with a non-working air conditioner. And it is my own little piece of Heaven in Trenton High. :)
You can see the ladders and shelves of magazines that are kept here, we have all the yearbooks going back to the early 1900's even before the building was built. Also, the red and green covered volumes are actually Time and Life magazines, from 1900 to almost present time, it's fun to see the magazines from different times in history and how events were portrayed.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Lost our lease

From September to January....

What was and what is......

Medical Arts Academy is moving somewhere next year, right now there are a few possibilities in the air and nothing definite. Typical. My library is finally at the point where I wanted to go, now that it's done and really getting used by the kids and staff, and since we don't know how much will be intact in September here are a few pictures to show the beginning and the result. This is my second library re-do in three years, can't wait to do it again!

Friday, January 30, 2009

And the winners are...

the log splitter, Dave and the log splitter had an altercation and the result was 8 stitches in between his thumb and finger. Could have been so much worse.

the pace maker, Tony (Maia's Dad) got a pace maker today, yesterday he didn't feel well (understated) and ended up flat lining in the ambulance on the way to the hospital, all the planets were in line, thank God and he will be OK, heading over to the hospital in a few minutes

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dawning of a new age?

Along with most of America, I witnessed history today. What's to say other than I hope those shoulders are broad enough to take the load he's been handed. I wish our new president, his family and our country all the best.

Tuesday (and Thursday) mornings I start at Medical Arts and then move to the Main Campus mid-day. The awesome leader at MA had today planned to the last detail including having the teachers share a pot luck lunch. I really didn't want to leave, but had to go anyway. Friday we had the technicians in to make sure that the TV in the library at Main was working and don't you know, about five minutes before noon, it quit. Luckily there were almost no kids in the library and those that were there weren't interested in today's events so I went to the auditorium and saw it with a few hundred kids. What a cool thing to witness, the majority of students were interested and those few who weren't were quickly removed. I'm so glad to have been witness to this event.

Last, what a good looking first family and how nice to see the kids acting like kids and not being little soldiers. It's a new day.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Went to see the surgeon Friday, after losing more than 160 pounds through gastric bypass more than four years ago, I'm going to take that final leap and have some body contouring done. Thursday April 9th is the big day... a belt lipectomy (mid body) and brachioplasty (upper arm) done together. Although I could live with what I have, I know that I'll feel better and be happier after the fact, although I will be moaning and groaning about how much it hurts right afterward. I'm waiting until Spring break so that I don't have to use too much sick time and still will be in shape to go to my niece's wedding in June. Speaking of which, off to see what it will cost to fly to Memphis for her big day.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Did you know?

This morning on the news with the weather being as cold as it is, I learned that mittens are so much better than gloves, what good news for my knitting! One year at Knitters Day Out I took a glove knitting class, but like with socks, you have to make two, or find a one handed person to go with that one footed person who would appreciate my sock/glove making. Anyway, mittens are not so labor intensive so getting through two would not be that big of a deal. I'm thinking right now that mittens are in my future.

So this evening I'm going through my patterns and stash and mittens will be on the needles before bedtime.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


The 'tasting' at Mastoris was indescribable - wow - they were more than generous and the deal they are offering is one that we'd be fools not to take. Talking w/Maia's parents we decided that the wedding will be an even split between us and our gift to the kids. In this day and age the old traditions give way to new ones and since we are all good friends, it will make the day a memorable one for Eric and Maia. Enough wedding talk for a while.

Today in the paper there is an article that Trenton High has moved to the front of the list of schools to be replaced in NJ, how cool is that??? At one point in time, it was nearly to the front of the list when the schools construction corporation ran out of money. Now, with a new infusion of my tax dollars, its back on tap once again. There will be a fight with the historical society over the plans but hopefully one way or another we'll have a great building in the next five or so years which is pretty quick in terms of school construction. this is a picture of the front of the building, the library is on the first floor, right, but mirrors what you see on the left, its a grand building and I hope that they can come up with a workable plan to use lots of the old school, but I guess with costs being what they are, instead of a traditional school, it will end up looking like an airport terminal as the current trend seems to be. At least open space classrooms are out of favor right now, phew.

Monday, January 12, 2009

White Elephant

I'm invited to a white elephant party later in the month, basically what it means is bringing a carefully wrapped obscure gift and after dinner there is an exchange based on how nice the packaging looks. Once its opened then you can 'exchange' with someone else if their gift is more useful to you. Sounds like it would be fun. The Mercer Police and Womanspace are sponsoring the event. Let you know how it goes.

On another note, Dave is now addicted to his MBT Shoes, we went to Princeton over the weekend to the Walking Store for his second pair, since its not good to wear them day in and day out. I have a pair, too, but since I never had foot/leg problems, they are comfy but not a necessity and of course weren't on sale when I got them.

Tomorrow we are going to Mastoris for a 'tasting' for the wedding, not sure if we are picking the menu or just getting a general idea of what's available and the price range. Should be a nice dinner, and the bread there is to die for!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Quiet, thank you

This weekend is almost over, I was on call for domestic violence and thankfully there has been nothing to report. I'm glad that no one was in despair and needed me, and also glad that I'm not using the training as weird as that may sound.

Glanced at the weather and although the storm predicted for this weekend never materialized, the cold weather that's supposed to be here next week is not looking like fun. I think by the end of the week the prediction is for a high in the teens. Geesh, I'm not a cold weather fan ~ glad I'm not chaperoning the trips going to DC in this weather.

Speaking of which, Trenton High's band is marching in the inaugural parade, how exciting for the kids!

I brought a big TV in to school and hope that we can have it hooked up ASAP (it's only been there since before Thanksgiving) so that we can watch the big event. I have this idea that I'd like to run CNN with captions all day so that the kids, and the librarian, can see what is going on in the world. If there is no progress by Wednesday, I will get a quick lesson from Dave in wiring and do it myself.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

First week of the year winding down

One more day to go, this week has flown by. It has been great at work, the usual for this year. Yesterday I was supposed to introduce a class to researching and citations, but the teacher had a conference so I had the kids for 90 minutes, sometimes I forget how much fun it was to be in the classroom ~ and how much running you can do in a small space. The project was fun, the kids were creating presentations on the authors mentioned in Richard Wright's Black Boy... each kid had a different author and I had make a quickie jumping off point to get them started, just click the pictures or the books. This group of sophomores have been in my favorite high school for two years now and are used to being held accountable for their work, anyway, they took the little crumbs offered and ran with it. They have to create a minimum of 12 Power Point slides including a bio, examples of work, and criticisms for each author. We had some fun figuring out what backgrounds to use to convey a work of importance, for example Mark Twain's background is a river scene with a rope swing hanging from one of the trees and Conrad's is a jungle. When this project is finished, I am going to try to sit in on some of the presentations.

This weekend I'm on call for Domestic Violence again, one shift for Trenton and one shift for Hopewell. I hope that things are calm and no one will be calling. Even after all the hours of training, I would be happy if there was no need to respond. Sigh

I'll leave you with a shot of a visitor to one of the trees out front.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Another day in the life of..

For whatever reason today I was up before 5 am and was at work before 7, but still the principal was there and ready to start her day. She is one awesome person. The way she runs a school would be top notch in the suburbs or rural districts, I just wish the test scores will show how hard she and her staff works to make the school one of the best in the city.

In a way I hope that she takes me with her next year to her new school (still in the same district), it would be closer to home, and they are going to be building a G&T high school at the same time and she will be in charge of it, that would be a neat thing to be in on the ground floor with.

The weather tonight was supposed to be wintry, so my Tuesday night Stitch n B*tch was postponed. Once a month we visit each other's homes for dinner and chatting, funny how the world's problems can be solved by us in just a few hours, Obama are you listening? Instead of the same Washington crew in your cabinet, tap into those mom's who've been juggling so many titles all these years.

Next month I think SnB will be here. That means finding a recipe that goes in the crock pot or can be cooked ahead ... not too hard except one of us has allergies to milk products and flour. That leaves out anything with cheese and breads. I may do a chili and put the cheese on the side or a nice soup if she can tolerate oats, those are things that can be cooked ahead and just heated. I'll see if she doesn't mind the smell of bread and I can set up the bread machine to have hot bread ready when supper's done.

Here's a picture of Rosey and Vickie, every day we put two beds on our bed and they inevitably end up in the smallest one together.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Back on track

Went back to work today, it was a nice quiet day. I enjoy what I do so much, it makes the days fly by. Just hope there are no changes for next year.

Fighting a cold, and have to say this is the best for the sniffles.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Last day of vacation

Tomorrow it's back to school. I'm kind of looking forward to it, how sad is that???

This break, I've been out to lunch every single day except Christmas day, out to dinner almost as often, and a few breakfasts, too. A little bit home cooking will be nice, now who can I get to cook... Monday and Tuesday nights I have meetings so I won't be home, meaning the earliest I can cook is Wednesday unless I come to my senses and figure out some other way to get fed.
I also need to read my knitting patterns a little closer, I'm in the middle of a real cute top-down shrug. The pattern says you only need one skein of yarn and it's very basic, increase at the shoulders until it reaches under your arms, then go on and finish up the body. I didn't read the fact that the prototype was for someone with a 30 inch bust. It must be a child, I don't think even fashion models have a 30 inch bust. What the heck. I'm now on my third skein of yarn, but I still like the concept and think it will be nice. But still, 30 inches, come on.

Took all the Christmas decorations down today and began to get Eric's bedroom ready to become a guest/dollhouse room. Eric moved out a year and a month ago. He left lots of stuff around and whenever we asked him if he was going to take it, he always said he has no room (hmmm, and we do?) He came over today, not by choice, to get out the last of his stuff, he threw out a bag of papers, when we went to put it in the trash, Dave noticed that he thew out a couple of years worth of pay stubs with his Social Security number on them along with old checks and a payment book for his last car. Now Dave is shredding all of Eric's trash ... after taking three large bags of clothes and shoes to the Goodwill. The last of his stuff will go up in our attic.

Here's a picture of this year's Christmas Tree and Village, I liked the way it turned out but like it better now that it's not taking up space. I like the bookcase/cubby in the living room, now it has my Lenox, I didn't know how much I had. Dave said he will be getting the furniture reupholstered as soon as one car leaves the shop. Soon, I hope since he's been booking work into 2010 already ~ great news for our personal economy bad news for getting things done around the house.