Monday, August 25, 2008

P = for perfect day!

Perfect day in the library! Today was the first official day for librarians and my first official day in the high school. I have a great partner, Greg is very knowledgeable and easy to get along with, it's going to be a great working relationship and I can't wait to see what we accomplish in the library.

Purple is the color of my new phone, I had a Razor but the battery was no longer holding a charge for more than two or three hours. The cost of a new battery versus the cost of a new phone was a no~brainer. It's cute. And I should be able to find it in my purse, maybe.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

O is not for Oprah

O is our sponsor tonight

Olympics are ending tonight. as I watch the closing ceremonies, it seems that the press has really shortchanged some of the athletes. Seems we missed so many different events that the press deemed not interesting enough for the masses...not sure what the attraction to beach volleyball was but I wish that we had more glimpses into other sports

Only a few hours left and its off to school for the new year. Can't wait! Update tomorrow or maybe the next day or . . .

Sunday, August 10, 2008

N = for Now where did the summer go??

No longer am I wondering where I'll be in the fall... got the call Thursday and its off to the high school library! Yeah! Can't wait to start. In the short discussion with my new principal, I learned I will be splitting my time between two high schools, the main campus and a satellite which houses the Medical Arts and Gifted and Talented programs. At the main campus I will be working with my mentor which should be so cool, he is a multi talented guy who is very computer literate, now I can stop bothering my Rutgers buddy who has been my go-to computer girl. At the Medical Arts campus I will have an aide (imagine that!) who will be in the library all week and I'll go over to do librarian stuff either one day or a few half days each week unless there is a project or something that would get me there a little bit longer. I am SO excited about building a new library (again) and getting a reading program going on the upper levels. I've been getting emails from my students, news of the transfer got around to them almost before I knew about it!
Here is the mural the kids did for my former library (how strange does that sound??) All Together Better is the motto of our superintendent. I hope that it stays for a while, over the summer I put about a dozen coats of varnish on it so it will not get too many finger prints on it.

Not having time to work with my former principal will be a shame, she just came to our school in June and has lots of enthusiasm ~ I hope the new librarian can benefit from her caring and continue to encourage reading with the kids.
'Nough of talk about school... summer is flying by so fast, we almost have gotten through my mom's house, she was a saver to say the least and there are things from the 1940's to the 2000's to go through. Not until we had taken bags of brand new clothes, stockings, purses, shoes and perfumes to a charity did we realize Mom had tucked lots of money into things. Hopefully when a person in need finds a few extra dollars inside a package of stockings or the toe of a shoe, they will think kindly on the world.
Now that Rutgers is officially over and I have all this extra time on my hands, I'm going to be training as a volunteer for a local women's shelter. By Christmas time, I will have finished the training and expect to begin volunteering early in '09. I had to fill out a huge questionnaire and am being interviewed at the police station on Tuesday morning. Can't imagine what the interview will be like, already heard from the police officer who was checking my background. It is going to be interesting.
Next on the list ... as of July 1st I became president of my chapter of the Columbiettes, the ladies arm of the Knights of Columbus. We are a charity organization with our main objective being raising money and things to give away. I've been vice president for 8 years and hope that the new vice president will want to move up lots faster that I did! Some of the charities we get involved in include

Ronald McDonald House... collecting pull tabs that they turn into cash for operating
Local Women and children's shelter... putting together shoe boxes with personal needs and also a few extra cosmetics
Nothing but Nets ... malaria netting for children in Africa
Snacks for Vets and their families ... as they wait for deployment service people and their families are able to have a cold drink and a snack
and other local, national, and international needs that we find out about

New puppy - Alan fell in love with a German Shorthaired Pointer who arrived two weeks ago, Lexi is a cute, laid back little girl who has fit in perfectly so far. Pictures soon.

Now its time to go...