Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dawning of a new age?

Along with most of America, I witnessed history today. What's to say other than I hope those shoulders are broad enough to take the load he's been handed. I wish our new president, his family and our country all the best.

Tuesday (and Thursday) mornings I start at Medical Arts and then move to the Main Campus mid-day. The awesome leader at MA had today planned to the last detail including having the teachers share a pot luck lunch. I really didn't want to leave, but had to go anyway. Friday we had the technicians in to make sure that the TV in the library at Main was working and don't you know, about five minutes before noon, it quit. Luckily there were almost no kids in the library and those that were there weren't interested in today's events so I went to the auditorium and saw it with a few hundred kids. What a cool thing to witness, the majority of students were interested and those few who weren't were quickly removed. I'm so glad to have been witness to this event.

Last, what a good looking first family and how nice to see the kids acting like kids and not being little soldiers. It's a new day.

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