Tuesday, September 22, 2009

OOPS, a stumble

All good things... today we were assigned lunch duty which essentially shuts down the library for the kids who were coming in to us instead of going to the cafeteria. I'm torn in two by this, I love seeing the kids in a non-threatening way and joking around but at the same time, we now are limited to only three blocks of time per day to have kids in the library.

Greg, my partner and I have not taken a full lunch or a prep period in the two years I've been there, and now with the duty we cannot fit in our contractual lunch or prep times and keep the library open since we are gone part of the day. Argh. Repeat slowly.. 'we're all about the children' (a previous administrative saying)

Today there was a fight in the library during one of the scheduled classes, while the teacher tried to break it up, I went out in the hall to get security and one of the vice principals was half way down the hall, I called out to him and tried to let him know quietly that there was a fight going on...he hollers back 'did you say a fight? in the library?' a few times. I was looking for the candid camera since the word fight is like a magnet to get the kids running to the event Gotta love it :)
A few books tossed and tables upset but no major damage that I could see. Hopefully the kids involved are not too banged up, another day in paradise!

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