Monday, September 28, 2009


AKC - Lot's of Dollars
8/1997 ~ 9/2009
Miss you

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

OOPS, a stumble

All good things... today we were assigned lunch duty which essentially shuts down the library for the kids who were coming in to us instead of going to the cafeteria. I'm torn in two by this, I love seeing the kids in a non-threatening way and joking around but at the same time, we now are limited to only three blocks of time per day to have kids in the library.

Greg, my partner and I have not taken a full lunch or a prep period in the two years I've been there, and now with the duty we cannot fit in our contractual lunch or prep times and keep the library open since we are gone part of the day. Argh. Repeat slowly.. 'we're all about the children' (a previous administrative saying)

Today there was a fight in the library during one of the scheduled classes, while the teacher tried to break it up, I went out in the hall to get security and one of the vice principals was half way down the hall, I called out to him and tried to let him know quietly that there was a fight going on...he hollers back 'did you say a fight? in the library?' a few times. I was looking for the candid camera since the word fight is like a magnet to get the kids running to the event Gotta love it :)
A few books tossed and tables upset but no major damage that I could see. Hopefully the kids involved are not too banged up, another day in paradise!

Monday, September 21, 2009

New addition

Just for fun ~

Jigsaw puzzle of the day can now be found on the bottom of this page.

Enjoy, it changes daily.

Back in the saddle again

School is settling into a nice routine. Our principal is still on fire and I hope she can keep it up!

Every morning I go to the entrance nearest to the library to greet the kids. the procedure is to put your bag on a table and walk through a metal detector. The detector goes off for almost every kid so the girls have a female officer to pat them down and the boys have a male officer. Its a sight to see them come through so matter of factly with their arms and legs outspread to be patted down on a daily basis. While its second nature for the kids, its still something to see.

On a library note, next week is Banned Book Week, we are making posters to put up in conjunction with Back to School Night. Hoping to have some good dialog with parents/kids. We happen to have nine of the top ten on this year's list, we are only missing the children's book and that's because we're high school.

Lastly, this weekend is Knitter's Day Out. Can't wait, I'm leaving right after school on Friday with my friend and school nurse. We'll sleep in Harrisburg and be in class bright and early Saturday. This is her first time, I've been going for 24 years, every year I learn something new, buy too much yarn and come home recharged for another year. Part of admission is making caps for kids - I've made two, I should be able to get a few more done before Saturday. I'll try to get pictures to show how many caps are donated for children. It's awesome!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

In the swing again

Today the whole staff reported for work, we had meetings until noon then were in the library trying to get organized for who knows what who knows when. Tomorrow will be the same with the kids coming on Thursday.

As of now the kids are not going to be allowed in the building before 8 am. They also are not allowed to leave lunch to come to the library on their own until we have a card reader ~ and they all have id badges ~ so they can scan themselves into the library. We were promised to have new security in place by mid-October. Hoping to find a way to get our 'regulars' in before then!

We also have our final 2009-2010 budget spent - love the way you have to use your budget before the beginning of school. As of now we are not getting full use of our computer system since the district hasn't yet paid the bill but we have heard that most of our requisitions were fulfilled.

Anyway we were allotted a little less than 20 per kid, since the superintendent promised we'd get 25 per two years ago we figure we're in the right ballpark, just on the walkway, not in the bleachers yet. In the past five years my particular library has gone from 3 full time employees (2 librarians and an aide) and over 125K budget to 2 librarians and less than 40K to spend - which is twice what we had last year so we're headed in the right direction, baby steps but going the right way finally. Five years ago the budget was so big in order to bring computers to the library, this year we won't make it through the first marking period with those and are hoping against hope that they'll be replaced soon. Fingers, toes and eyes crossed.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sometimes my heart ...

Yesterday my sister and I had a yard sale of my mom's things, the purpose being to give the nine grand~kids the money we earned. All nine live within two or three miles of her house.

Procrastinators that we are, it has taken us more than a year to get our act together to finally get most of her things out of her house ~ I think that it makes it so much more final when we do make a move. Anyway, getting organized took us a few weekends/nights. Terry, my sister, Kerry, her daughter, and I were the ones who got it together,

By 7:30 yesterday morning Alan was mowing the grass at my mom's so we could drive up to the kitchen door without making a mess of the yard, Eric stopped by just to sell, hang out, and give encouragement early in the day.

All told, 7 of the 9 grand~kids came out and helped, only two didn't make it. Kerry, put in the most time and effort so we gave her a little more and split the remainder equally between the other six. When I tried to give my boys their share, they both refused and wanted Kerry to have it all. They said it was because they work and Kerry, who also works, is putting herself through college.

There are times my boys make my heart hurt in a good way. To start, this week Alan worked two jobs, like he's been doing since he got engaged. Besides his tree work, every evening he's been helping out a farmer and this week they are baling hay, Friday alone, after work he baled until after 10 pm. Eric's week with UPS was a bear, too, he had more than 20 hours of overtime. That being said, both would have like more than anything to sleep in on Saturday morning. Some days I just wonder how we could be so blessed ....

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Julie & Julia

Went to see Julie & Julia last night, I hadn't heard of it before, since I really don't follow the new movies, I count on my friend's blog to let me know what to see. But what a good movie! The switch between decades and lives was seamless and the storyline was pleasant. I recommend this one to those who want a nice, not in your face kind of film. In my estimation, which counts for nothing, I think Meryl Streep deserves an Oscar nomination/award for this role.