Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Found both the cord and the camera

Here are our guests, there were so many little goldfinches outside that we couldn't count them all.

And here is the woodpecker.

As soon as I find the cord

In the middle of putting the family room and bedroom back together after having them painted. As soon as I remember where I put the cord to the camera I'll show you the pictures of the visitors we had the past few days. We've been blessed with an extended family of goldfinches hanging out at the feeder. Saturday morning Melissa and I counted 30+ they looked like canaries with all the bright yellow. We also have a red headed woodpecker and blue jays. It looks like an aviary out there.

Friday, April 17, 2009

OK Maybe I'm Not Invincible

Yesterday I went shopping, to the casino and then to dinner and shopping again. Not a good way to get back into things, I thought I was going to pop last night, I swelled up all around the middle, luckily I still have the binder they put on in the hospital so after having it on all night I'm much better today.

Went to breakfast and came right back home, now I know better!! Hopefully I will be fine by Monday.

Need to go to the grocery store later, when Dave has time to load and unload the cart. I've been looking at Shop Rite On line, for only 20 extra they will do your shopping and deliver your groceries to your kitchen! I'm really thinking this would be a good test of the program. I have never been able to create and stick to a list when shopping so this would be a little bit of a challenge, too. Hmmm

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Every day is a little better

Each day I'm moving more and more, surgery wasn't so bad, just makes you very stiff. The first of the bills have arrived, the cardiologist who came when I was out the first time sent his bill for showing up in the middle of the night. Dr. Greenbaum said that he didn't think there would be many charges other than the daily fee from the hospital, keeping my fingers crossed that he will be right. Enough surgery talk already!

I think that by Monday I'll be ready to go back to work. School is closed this week so it worked out fine. What a way to spend a vacation ~ on a recliner in the house.

While I still have a few cents to my name, I think its time for some spring shopping, two of my favorite stores are in Flemington, Coldwater Creek and Bon Worth, which both should be having sales! It would be fun to see what size I'm wearing now.

Looks like its going to be a nice day today so I'll get going and maybe venture outside to enjoy the sun.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I'm Back

First of all, the surgery was considered a success, the recovery not so smooth. I remember sitting on the edge of the bed and the next thing I was laying down and there were doctors, nurses, techs all around. I apparently had such low blood pressure that it could not be measured in my arms so they had to take it in my leg. It was 50/30. Not being satisfied with passing out once, I did it again the next morning. The doctors retaliated by making me stay a few extra days and giving me four units of blood. That's the last time I'll ever make my pressure that low :)

All joking aside, now I'm feeling pretty good and the hospital was fantastic. that's all I'll say right now, wait until the bill shows up and I find out what this episode is going to cost. shiver.

Here are a few shots of some flowers I received. Thanks so much!

BTW - If anyone knows how to find pictures that were downloaded and then lost on the computer I need help. I downloaded 200+ pics this morning and then seem to have lost them, most are nature shots but there are pics of sweaters that I sent off to others and things that cannot be replaced. argh

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Counting down to tomorrow

Again, time has gotten away from me, its been a few weeks.

Tomorrow at 6:20 I will be checking into the hospital to have my tucks done. Right now I'm not even a little bit nervous, but no doubt in the morning (middle of the night) when I start getting ready I will be.

How times have changed over the years with hospitals, 20+ years ago I had major surgery, a hysterectomy and the directions were: show up. Between then and now, I've had three other surgeries along with so many knock out procedures its hard to count and nothing like this prep. I've been given hospital packs that the surgeons use to scrub with and have been using those in the shower since Monday. They are very conscious of infections these days. At least I'm first up in the am so the OR will be in it's very best condition of the day.

Enough of that.

Trenton has said it will be sending lay-off notices to all employees who are not tenured. What a shame for those who chose to work with our population ~ I'm sure they had suburban choices ~ I hope that there is a change in funding so they can hold their positions. Thank God, I'm tenured in both the classroom and the library (there are 7 of 22 librarians who aren't), now its just keeping my fingers crossed that I stay in the high school. Its now a waiting game until the promise of employment notices are sent out in May.

Promise to post soon.