The 'tasting' at Mastoris was indescribable - wow - they were more than generous and the deal they are offering is one that we'd be fools not to take. Talking w/Maia's parents we decided that the wedding will be an even split between us and our gift to the kids. In this day and age the old traditions give way to new ones and since we are all good friends, it will make the day a memorable one for Eric and Maia. Enough wedding talk for a while.
Today in the paper there is an article that Trenton High has moved to the front of the list of schoo
ls to be replaced in NJ, how cool is that??? At one point in time, it was nearly to the front of the list when the schools construction corporation ran out of money. Now, with a new infusion of my tax dollars, its back on tap once again. There will be a fight with the historical society over the plans but hopefully one way or another we'll have a great building in the next five or so years which is pretty quick in terms of school construction. this is a picture of the front of the building, the library is on the first floor, right, but mirrors what you see on the left, its a grand building and I hope that they can come up with a workable plan to use lots of the old school, but I guess with costs being what they are, instead of a traditional school, it will end up looking like an airport terminal as the current trend seems to be. At least open space classrooms are out of favor right now, phew.

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