Today is brought to you by the letter H

Happiness abounds... less than a month to go until the graduation walk at Rutgers. The last two classes are winding down, all of my work for Children's Lit to Movies is finished. Only part of a paper and part of the final for Cataloging and its done! This is the last degree, really. No. More.
Huge thanks to my Rutgers friend who hooked up our library --- the kids in our 'sister' school held a read-a-thon and collected $3800 in brand new books that I get to choose. That's more than my whole budget last year... whooo ya
Hugs to my exercise partners, we've been at it a month now and are managing at least 4 days every week. The surprise it that it's becoming fun! We each have our own box and are putting in any extra cash with the payoff being a trip to Las Vegas next summer, a reward for being healthy and should be free.
How about getting involved with me and lots of others in the 29 day challenge to give something each day for 29 days... you can give of yourself or things for whatever reason. Today is my first day, I gave my friends at Goodwill a bag of clothes and shoes, a few still have the tags on, hope someone finds a use for them.
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