J for today
JCC - got home from seeing first time juvenile offenders, that really sounds harsh, kids who have made a mistake and been caught, there that sounds a little better. Besides it counts as my today good deed - been at it more or less for 20+ years (less because for a time there were no cases passed on) A worthwhile program that could use more volunteers
Just another week of standardized testing... in our school it seems that every time you turn around there is another round of testing or prepping for testing. This week 7+8 have their moment in the sun, next week 5+6 are up.
Jaunty fun in school tomorrow, its dress up day. Every month our art teacher sponsors a different school spirit day, we've had sunglasses, crazy hat, college/team day among others.
Just looking ... we were messing around in my pictures this afternoon at school and the kids got a big kick out of seeing me as a bride almost 34 years ago. Styles change, now Dave is wearing the glasses... OK stop laughing
Joy! Until next time