Thursday, October 18, 2007

A little this a little that

Confession time, I realize now, that I'm a certified blogaholic. The first thing I do when I get home and I mean the first thing I do is check the blogs to see what's new. then I run into the bathroom. :0 especially now that its serviceable again.

Speaking of which, we are almost finished with the master bathroom project - the one that was going to take one week and is now entering month four. Can't complain, its new top to bottom and Dave did a great job with the tile work on the counter and the floor. I painted and stood around and gave creative advice, I can't wait until we start the foyer and I can give more advice. The toothbrush holder, soap dispenser and cup match the faucets perfectly! Whoda thunk it

So why am I so bad at blogging myself? It must be more fun to read about the interesting lives of others.

First I check on my good friend, see what she's doing, get jealous, then Go Fug Yourself which is one of those that will hook you in no time. I also hit the normal knitting sites, Crazy Aunt Purl, Knit n Tonic, and Frank Notes (I wish he'd post more often). I check on the progress of little Evan and his brain tumor in A Day Late... there are a few more, ok about 20 more but this paragraph is getting too many little blue lines. As soon as I figure it out, I'll add a column of what I read (if anyone cares) More confessions another day.

1 comment:

slgc said...

The mosaic tiles are lovely!