Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A quick post

No, I haven't fallen off the end of the earth, just been busy and lazy at the same time.

My cousin and his family visited from California last week, what a treat to meet our newest baby! Grant is 7 months of adorable baby! Pictures to follow.

Next week we are off to Boston for another cousin's wedding. My mom was the oldest and there is a 16 year difference in her siblings ages so I have cousins who are younger than my kids. I have an aunt that is the same age as my husband. Makes for fun introductions.

School is fine, we are in the midst of testing testing testing and more testing. Last week were the state tests, today was PSAT's and tomorrow and Friday are benchmark testing for core subjects. Not bad except the library has been used as a testing site and we are informed of the schedules the day before, makes for some upset teachers and frustrated librarians. :) I've spent most of the time proctoring out of the library and got to meet lots of new kids.

Been sewing and knitting ~ finished some cute purses and have a dress in progress in the sewing department, a sweater down to its last sleeve and socks that are about done in the knitting lanes. Getting antsy to finish so I can start something else! The predicted storms for the weekend assure a good bit will be accomplished.

Until later...