Right about now, you may notice that the stores have finally caught up with my decorating style and are combining holiday styles. They are so yesterday, I had an Easter bunny candle in my china closet every Thanksgiving for years ~ Christmas towels in the kitchen in July ~ a Halloween spider web in the foyer in May. Now they decide to have lawn furniture on sale with Halloween decorations and Christmas ornaments. Sheesh.
Right out of the funny pages ~ or what the heck was I thinking??? We ordered new (as opposed to old, I guess) hardwood floors for our bedroom, living room and dining room. Sounded like a good plan until after they came and measured and we OK'd the purchase, then figured out that we have to completely empty three overstuffed rooms (translate 25 years worth of junk) on the same day so the installers can do their job. If we're going to change the floors, why not change the paint...the living room has a wallpaper border so that has to be scraped...if we're refreshing the walls and floor it stands to reason that the furniture is looking dated... trip to the showrooms and I still like my living room set, just not the fabric so pick new upholstery material...that means the curtains no longer will work...and so on it goes. Luckily we have one extra bedroom that right now has all the ''little stuff" (that means what I can move) pushed in there. Any idea how many clothes you can fit into a walk in closet? Even the built in ~ as in built on site ~ shelves/cubbies have to go along with the hanging rods since they are attached to both the floor and the wall. I should be embarrassed, but I have enough shoes to shod the third world, and every morning they all look like what I wore the day before, thus the need for more shoes, or clothes to match those I have, and so the saga continues.
Really having fun at work this year, who'da thunk that high school was the place to be. I love the kids and having two libraries is a little different but having a partner at one sc
hool is great, he's a good guy and then being alone at the other is a nice balance. Here's a shot of my little library as seen from the door, its so cozy, once the sofa arrives there is going to be a nice little reading area for the kids, too.
Retirement - thanks to my great new job, I'm not too worried about retiring in the near future, makes the news easier to watch, but my heart goes out to those who are in financial danger due to falling investments, not to those who are overextended.
Reality check - I'm about at the halfway point in my 80 hour training to be a volunteer for victims of domestic abuse/sexual assault and the statistics are mind numbing. Coming from a home without violence and being married to a pretty laid back guy I had no idea of what others are living with. I'm so glad that maybe I can help someone in need, but more thankful that I've had no personal experience in this. Amazing to learn that dv/sa is so prevalent, especially to learn that it's an under reported crime and that economics has nothing to do with the crime. One of the statistics in my text book is that those in high stress, high level careers are just as likely to be abusers as those who are in the lowest levels. Something to do with the stress of the workplace.
Real good time was had by all who attended Knitters Day Out last month, held at Central Pennsylvania College just outside of Harrisburg. Dave drove out and played golf while I knitted the day away learning all new neat things. We had a pleasant dinner with an old school friend who lives near Harrisburg and introduced us to Texas Roadhouse. A great place for casual food. I had the country fried steak, mouth watering.
Read enough? Though so, until next time, closing with a picture of the 'girls' in bed.